Nancy Van Schooenderwoert
Nancy Van Schooenderwoert is an Agile coach and founder of Lean-Agile Partners. She has been an electronics engineer and software developer for embedded systems in safety-critical applications like medical devices and flight simulators. Nancy coaches companies building hardware-software products in diverse industries. And yes, Agile does work for hardware!
Remember when Agile was just about team practices, back when XP first started (or maybe we are just young and you just read about it in a history book!)? Regardless, the new a…
There are plenty of conferences these days – even plenty of Agile conferences – so when I first heard of the Agile Alliance Technical Conference (AATC), April 7 - 9 in Raleigh…
We were building a mobile spectrometer instrument as a greenfield project.
We needed to investigate microprocessors from several vendors and support the development of…
The Agile Engineering initiative is now closed
Our purpose is to surface the techniques already emerging among engineers who work closely with software and give visibility to …