Austin Chadwick
Austin Chadwick is a Mob Programmer at Hunter Industries and is a passionate agilist and craftsman with experience in several roles (e.g. coach, developer, tester, scrum master, business analyst).
Upcoming speaking events:
TBD Talk at deliver:Agile 2020 (
"Mob the Marshmallow" at Agile Games Day 2020 (
Current/Previous speaking experience:
30+ episodes on the Mob Mentality Show (
Presented “The Continuous Radical Candor Experiment” Lightning Talk at Big Agile DC 2019
Presented "Experimenting With Agile" at Hunter Industries, Nordson Asymtek, and Agile Open San Diego 2019 (video recording here:
Presented "Refactoring Towards a Cleaner and More Agile Architecture" at both Hunter Industries and Agile Open San Diego 2019 (video recording here:
Presented two talks on Agile in front of Nordson Asymtek President and VPs. Video recording was published and watched by all parts of the company internationally
Hosted/facilitated 6 sessions at Agile Open San Diego 2019
Hosted/facilitated 2 sessions at Agile Open Irvine 2018
Hosted/facilitated 60+ katas and code exercises
Presented at 50+ product updates and demos to product stakeholders and upper management
Presented several lightning talks at Hunter Industries
Hosted and facilitated 50+ retrospectives, lean-coffees, lunch-and-learns, and backlog refinement sessions
Hosted and facilitated all day UI/UX workshops with stakeholders using many innovation games (i.e. one 3 day event and one 1 day event)
Presented to entire San Onofre IT department at Southern California Edison on application portfolio assessment project
Presented dozens of other times internally at companies on various software topics (e.g. why experiment with an agile transformation)
Event Sessions
What causes you to wait? What causes re-work? Andy Kwong, Rei Pamintuan, Aaron Griffith, and Austin Chadwick share not only horror stories of things not getting…