David Dame

Dave Dame brings the perfect mix of humour, inspiration and a professional approach to help your team in transition to leverage, implement and manage Agile best practices and quality management with the perfect focus on results and team collaboration. Dave provides medium to large software and IT companies in Canada and the United States with agile management coaching and mentoring. He does this by enabling cross-organizational employee engagement. Agile does well within individual teams, but often doesn’t scale up and across organizations going through change management. David helps enterprises in transition to enable bottom-up innovation and agility by working with all levels, including leaders, executives, and teams. Dave is experienced and has led a number of large scale agile transformations. He specializes in creating a workforce that is engaged in what and how they are driving long-term sustainability and efficiency of releasing software. David drives change management in organizations as an organizational coach, business mentor, and team collaboration enabler, impressive at empowering individuals. – See more at: http://www.davedame.com/about-me#sthash.dwvtfqvT.dpuf
Event Sessions
Conway’s Law states an organization will design systems that reflect that organization’s communication structure. In other words, how we make a product manifests in the produc…

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