Past Events

XP 2023

June 13-16 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

XP is the premier Agile software development conference to combine both research and practice. It is a unique forum where Agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations and research results.

XP 2023 Keynote Speakers

XP 2023 Program Chairs

Wouter Lagerweij Deliver Agile

Conference Chair

Conference Co-Chair

XP 2023 Co-Chairs

Christoph Stettina
Academic Program

Juan Garbajosa
Academic Program

Sabina Renshof
Industry & Practice
Co-Chair for
Leadership and Culture

Torsten Hansen
Industry & Practice
Co-Chair for
Leadership and Culture

Astrid Claessen
Industry & Practice
Co-Chair for
Product and Design

Frank Olsen
Experience Reports

Maarit Laanti
Agile Education and
Training Track

Peggy Gregory
Research Workshops Co-Chair
Proceedings Co-Chair

Philippe Kruchten
Proceedings Chair

Martin Kropp
Agile Education and Training Track Co-Chair

Michael Spaans
Industry & Practice Co-Chair
for Product and Design

Leonor Barocca
Research Workshops

Nathalie Hammering
Experience Reports

Maryse Meinen
Industry & Practice
Co-Chair for

Deepti Jain
Interactive Track Chair

Rob Westgeest
Industry & Practice
Co-Chair for Engineering

Willem van den Ende
Industry & Practice
Co-Chair for Engineering

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