Past Events

XP 2020

JUNE 8-12 | Online Conference

XP is the premier Agile software development conference to combine both research and practice. It is a unique forum where Agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations and research results.

XP 2020 Keynotes

XP 2020 Program Team

Conference Chair

XP 2020 Organizers

Viktoria Stray
Academic Program

Rashina Hoda
Academic Program

Jutta Eckstein
Industry and Practice Track

Morten Elvang
Industry and Practice Track

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Experience Reports

Frank Olsen
Experience Reports

Kati Kuusinen
Doctoral Symposium

Peggy Gregory
Doctoral Symposium

Masooreh Zahedi
Research Workshops

Hubert Baumeister
Research Workshops

Valentina Lenarduzzi
On-site Research

Daniel Méndez Fernández
On-site Research

Hendrik Esser
Leadership Track 

Nils Brede Moe
Leadership Track

Maarit Laanti
Agile Education and Training Track 

Martin Kropp
Agile Education and Training Track 

Paolo Tell
Local Organizing 

Yvonne Dittrich
Local Organizing

Jefferson Molleri
Publicity and Social Media

Fabio Calefato
Publicity and Social Media

Indira Nurdiani Jabangwe
Volunteer Co-Coordinator

Abheeshta Putta
Volunteer Co-Coordinator

Steve Fraser
Panels Chair

Philippe Kruchten
Proceedings Chair

Deepti Jain
Diversity & Inclusion Co-Coordinator

Sonja Hyrynsalmi
Diversity & Inclusion Co-Coordinator

Casper Lassenius
Journal First Track Chair

Håkan Burden
Agile Games Track Chair

Stefano Vincenti
Lightning Talks Track Chair

XP 2020 Session Videos

Findings on Remote Work Study
Findings on Remote Work Study. Tuning leadership approach to the situation and context – what is holding us back?…
Radical Innovation
Radical Innovation. Tuning leadership approach to the situation and context – what is holding us back?…
Fit for Purpose
Tuning leadership approach to the situation and context – what is holding us back?…
Stop Being Busy so You Can be Awesome
I used to be someone who said “yes” to everything. I became overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, irritable, anxious, tired, etc. And the worst thing was that I did not feel like I was doing my best at anything because I had so little time for all my co…
Project Management – How the discipline is evolving
All the world is saying that Project Management is changing. It is true: See how the Standard for Project Management has been transformed by the Project Management Institute that published it for exposure in January 2020! I prefer to say that Project…
Making Your CFO a Proponent of Limiting WIP
CFO’s are interested in software capitalization. Yet, when finance and portfolio management are unfamiliar with agile software capitalization practices, they impede the adoption of lean-agile ways of working. This presents a huge dilemma because lean…
Exploring Your Ambivalence
Have you ever felt uncertain if you want to go ahead with a change – you see the pros and the cons of both sides and have a hard time to decide? If so, you have experienced ambivalence. With a tool from the Motivational Interviewing toolkit we can …
Burning from Transformation
Picture burnout as a system. Now add Agile Transformation. Change of structure, roles, policies, and, most importantly – expectations. This is where humans suffer the most, and where coaches can help the most if we are sufficiently equipped. And bein…
Arriving at better backlog
Scrum seduces with its simplicity, common sense and short, but sweet “manual” in form of the scrum guide promising to do “twice the work in half the time”. Yet while it puts a lot of emphasis on the execution, it remains quiet on the topic of definin…

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