Agile Bookstore

Gen P – New Generation of Product Owners Who Care About Customers

The product owner role is a simple yet ambiguous role in many organizations, but the key to their success. The new generation of product owners is emerging in the current environment to show the need for more focus on products and less on projects, more on the long term and less on the short term, more on iterative product approaches and less on predictive ones. This book is written for professionals who need to understand the role of product professionals, beyond Scrum or other agile frameworks, to focus on the customers and the value they need. Gain power skills through examples such as: how to approach the customers, how to practice product ownership, and how to develop a product that provides customer value, and organizations will benefit from it.

About the Author(s)
Joanna Tivig

Joanna is a Co-Founder of NewGenP, an organization focused on training a new generation of professionals in need to respond quickly to changes. Joanna is also an instructor for the University of Toronto SCS.

Peter Monkhouse

Peter Monkhouse is co-founder of NewGenP and an experienced speaker, educator, and consultant with over 40 years of experience leading teams and organizations to deliver value through projects. Peter has been a keynote speaker at over 20 events around the world and delivered courses for 20 years at Ryerson, the University of Toronto, and the University of Calgary to over 6,000 students. Peter recently co-authored the bestselling book Gen P: New Generation of Product Owners who Care about Customers and has given successful presentations and workshops based on the book content to PMI Toronto, Product Toronto, Procter, and Gamble. Peter along with Joanna co-founded NewGenP. Peter is an active volunteer with PMI for over 20 years and is presently on the PMI Educational Foundation Board of Directors and served as Chair in 2018. Peter served on the PMI Board of Directors for 6 years and was the Chair of the 2012 PMI Board. Peter has a BSc (Engineering) from Queen’s University, an MBA from the University of Toronto, and a PMP from PMI.

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