Agile Bookstore

Growing Agile: A Coach’s Guide to Agile Testing

If a team believes they are agile, but nothing has changed about the way they test, then there is still much to learn. We teach 5 key principles that explain why agile testing is fundamentally different from traditional testing.

This book includes a collection of workshops to help teams grasp these principles and adopt an agile testing mindset. It’s not just for testers. A key part of agile testing is that the whole team is involved, so we always run these workshops with everyone in the team.

If your team is ready for the next level we highly recommend running through the workshops in this book, it will teach them a number of simple but valuable techniques to help prevent bugs and dramatically increase the quality of your products. We provide the facilitation plans, teaching points, and even the slides you might use to help you run the workshop.

About the Author(s)
Karen Greaves

Agile coach helping non-software teams benefit from agile. Recently relocated from South Africa to New Zealand. Master of having fun at work, and looking at cute cat pictures on the internet. Co-founder of Growing Agile.

Samantha Laing

I am passionate about agile, trail running, and dogs. I am friendly, usually wagging my tail. Lover of red wine!

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