Business-Related Resources

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In addition to building the thing right, you want to make sure you’re building the right thing and setting your organization up to focus on the right thing across the entire enterprise. Our business-focused resources contain content related to customers, product management, product ownership, analysis, user experience, and business agility.

Success pattern: Aligning CapEx and OpEx to Agile models
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are constantly challenged to adapt quickly to changes in market dynamics, customer preferences, and technological advancements. Traditional funding models, particularly for…
Agile Up Your Leadership Game
Event Session
In 2001, a group of engineers put forward a manifesto that would forever change our approach to software development. They introduced the world to the concept of the “agile mindset,” which quickly gained traction across the indust…
If Productivity Matters (and it Probably Does), then Team Up!
Event Session
A lot of people like working alone and keeping busy with individual assignments. And many managers like assigning jobs specifically to the hand-chosen “best” person for the job. This gives people a lot of personal flexibility, aut…
Product Thinking: The Secret to Scaling Value – Melissa Perri
Event Session
Over the past decade, many companies have turned to Agile to help them improve how they build and release software to customers. Now, we’re faced with different questions - “How do I ensure that our company goals are being met?” “…
DevSecOps: What Does It Mean and Where Is It Taking Us
Event Session
New software development approaches continue to be promoted. You may be aware of waterfall, RUP, 4GLs, 3-tier client server - all still alive and kicking in some domains. You may be familiar with some (or all) of Agile, Kanban, De…
Data-driven product management: how your business profits
This post is from one of our Agile2022 Title Sponsors Rally Software from Broadcom. In navigating new, unprecedented change, disruption, and fluidity, teams simply can’t rely on guesswork and second-hand interpretations. To su…
Practicing Business Agility with the Agile Kata
(Kata is a Japanese word meaning "form." Traditionally, it referred to a detailed choreographed pattern of martial arts movements meant to help one learn/improve through repetition. You can learn more about kata in a business sens…
Agile Business: A Special Report in The Times
Agile Alliance is excited to share a special report on Agile Business, produced in partnership with Raconteur and published in The Times of London. This 16-page report includes a piece on Agile transformation by Ray Arell, until r…
The Rise of Hybrid Work and What it Means For Agile
Working from home or another remote location is not a new concept. High-tech companies have been doing this over the last decade, and it was becoming increasingly popular even before the worldwide pandemic. Better technology, cond…

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