AgileAI Labs, Inc.

Agile AI Labs

Admin Contact


923 Elm Street, #64
United States


AgileAI Labs, Inc. proactively addresses preventable software failures before a project begins. The ability to employ no-code, natural language, generative AI (GenAI) to analyze requirements upon project entry, inspired the development of Spec2TestAI™, AgileAI Labs’ defect prevention platform tool. Every good leader knows the key to project success is getting a project team on the same page, using the same requirements language, with the same end goal defined. Spec2TestAI™ not only guides the project set up, but the tool also analyzes and recommends appropriate and applicable security requirements, automatically generates test scripts and test cases, and provides a dashboard that continuously monitors your project’s health. AgileAI Labs’ overall vision is taken to another level with Spec2TestAI™.

Spect2TestAI™ analyzes requirements (user stories, acceptance criteria), rates those existing requirements, and generates enhanced requirements suggestions in real time balanced against 32 different industry standard measures including:


The result is improved clarity, testability, and impact across Stakeholder teams.

In addition to enhanced requirements, test cases and traceability we automatically generate security test frameworks aligned to functional and requirements context, eliminating misunderstanding around security expectations. We also automatically generate BDD feature (cucumber) and step files; another key savings of time and training.

Selenium and Robot framework scripts are automatically created saving hours of work preparing for automation in which unit tests can be generated into a Swagger file and imported into any tool (Postman, etc.) to automate.

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