Welcome to Agile Essentials

Agile Essentials is designed to bring you up to speed on the concepts and principles of Agile with articles, videos, glossary terms, and more.

Agile 101

Agile is a set of methods and practices where solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. Agile 101 provides a detailed introduction.

Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto was written in 2001 by 17 independent-minded software practitioners. While the participants didn’t often agree, they did find consensus around four core values.

The 12 Principles

The 12 Principles behind the Agile Manifesto are the guiding practices that support teams in implementing and executing with Agility.

Subway Map

The Subway Map to Agile Practices shows how the practices from the various Agile “tribes” or areas of concern are interconnected.

Agile Glossary

Learn the unique terminology used in Agile development with this comprehensive glossary from the experts at Agile Alliance.

Introductory Videos

At our annual AgileXX Conference, we invite thought leaders to present sessions on various aspects of Agile fundamentals.

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When you see the login screen, choose “Set up Account” and follow the prompts to create your new account. You can choose to log in using your social credentials for either Google or Linkedin (recommended), or you can set up your account using an email address.

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