Introducing the Agile Alliance Annual Partner Program

Lucid and Gehtsoft logos for Annual Partner Program

For 2024, Agile Alliance is offering a new and exciting level of engagement beyond event sponsorship: the Agile Alliance Annual Partner Program

Through this program, our Annual Partners receive exposure to the millions of Agilists who visit our website each year, our 6,000+ members, and our 90,000+ newsletter subscribers.

Introducing our first Annual Partners

We are pleased to introduce our first two Annual Partners, Lucid and Gehtsoft.

Lucid – Official Partner

Lucid Software offers a leading visual collaboration suite that helps teams see and build the future from idea to reality. With its products—Lucidchart, Lucidspark, and Lucidscale—teams can align around a shared vision, clarify complexity, and collaborate visually, no matter where they’re located. Learn more

Gehtsoft – Corporate Partner

Since 1999, Gehtsoft has been a custom software developer for opportunists, trailblazers, and visionaries. Gehtsoft knows that to thrive in the crowded software space, developers must take a radically different approach that puts the customer at the center of the process. Don’t settle for anything less. Your idea deserves Gehtsoft. Learn more

A unique role In the community 

Agile Alliance is proud to be the “big tent” in the Agile community. As such, it is our responsibility to provide space for individuals and companies to share information and knowledge that advances Agile values, practices, and principles. We’re proud of the 20-plus years we have offered this opportunity through our annual conference, but it is time we take this one step further – to allow these relationships to flourish beyond the conference.

Become an Agile Alliance Partner today

To learn more or to reserve your partnership in this multi-channel outreach program,
please contact us today.

Teresa Foster
Agile Alliance Managing Director
[email protected]

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Picture of Teresa Foster

Teresa Foster

Teresa Foster is the Managing Director of Agile Alliance. Teresa is a certified association executive with more than 20 years of executive-level experience in association management, including time spent at national, regional, and local organizations. While most of her experience is in executive leadership, her skill set includes internal and external communications, corporate sponsorship, and financial management. She also has extensive experience in human resources, contract negotiations, and program development. Teresa’s passion is helping companies…

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