Agile Event Session

Communicating Change Made Easy

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All change management models stress the importance of communication. Communicate, communicate, communicate, they say, almost like a mantra. They’re right. But exactly how can you and your team do that? More importantly, how can you do it at scale? What about persuading leadership to get on board?

We’re glad you asked.

Attachment: Communicating Change Handout

The job of change communicator during a transformation often falls on an Agile Practice, coach, or passionate practitioner. Yet they struggle to create meaningful communications at the speed and quality necessary, thanks to everything else on their plate. Resistance builds, leadership gets skeptical, and the transformation slows; this is where so many transformations go off-course.

The Agile Communications workshops were designed to address this challenge and are flexible enough to be applied regardless of your preferred change management or agile framework.

Agile Communications are a fast, flexible, customer-centric approach to creating and releasing content. Best of all, its incremental and additive nature means each piece of created content generates value multiple times.

Effective change communication is so much easier than we think, especially if you take a Lean and Agile approach. In this interactive workshop, Tom Bullock, former NPR foreign desk reporter and creator of two Agile Communications courses, explains how to make change communication easy and gives you the exercises, tools, and templates to help you do it at your organization today.

By the time you walk out of this workshop, you will have created at least one usable, fully realized piece of your communication strategy: a blog post, an email, a yammer post, a slide, or a powerful quote. Come learn how to spark the imaginations of your transformation leadership and participants to move your transformation forward.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Design real-life Agile Communications
  • Identify ways to engage audience empathy to increase the effectiveness of your messages
  • Outline an effective Why/What campaign
  • Identify effective ways to capture and create testimonials
  • Design and create content for communication at scale (without having to spend all day and night writing)
  • Hypothesize how to use QCDISME metrics to create effective communications to leadership

Additional Resources

Speaker(s) may be willing to present this session at local group meetings and other events.


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