Three Days in Denver

Sponsor the world’s leading Agile conference

Gain exposure for your brand, products, and services and capture leads at Agile2025 coming July 28-30 to Denver, Colorado.

Agile2025 Sponsorship Options

All sponsors (at any level) enjoy a booth in our action-packed Exhibition Hall. We offer over 14 hours of exhibit time with direct traffic flow into the exhibit area during conference lunches and 3 evening receptions. Sponsors will be recognized throughout the conference on signage, screens, and during sessions. Agile Alliance Cornerstone Members receive a 10% discount.

Title Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Exhibit-only Booth Options

All exhibitors enjoy a booth or kiosk in our busy Exhibition Hall. We offer over 14 hours of exhibit time with direct traffic flow into the exhibit area during conference lunches and 3 evening receptions. Each of the two Exhibit-only options below includes a complimentary Agile2025 registration.

NEW READY-TO-USE Turnkey Kiosk

Just bring your team, a laptop and marketing materials!

If you’re looking for an easy and cost-effective way to exhibit at Agile2025, our Ready-to-Use booth option is for you! Each countertop station includes a large logo sign, a locking cabinet, and a monitor. So, all you need to bring is yourself and a laptop to share your presentation or company information – that’s it!


Showcase your business or services for less

As an exhibitor at this premier event, you’ll be engaging with a passionate professional community that is dedicated to building more effective, humane, and sustainable ways of working. Partnering with our exhibitors creates important opportunities for Agile2025 attendees to inform themselves about the latest products, tools, and services.

Engagement Opportunities

All exhibitors enjoy a booth or kiosk in our busy Exhibition Hall. We offer over 14 hours of exhibit time with direct traffic flow into the exhibit area during conference lunches and 3 evening receptions. Each of the two Exhibit-only options below includes a complimentary Agile2025 registration.

Cool Swag Sponsor

Brand a reusable item and have us share it with attendees so it won’t be missed. Select a day and location for your item to be shared. Options include: Registration Desk Welcome Giveaway, General Session Seats during one of the keynote sessions, or having your team hand out your item at the Entrance to Exhibit space!

Track Sponsorships

Share your organization’s brand and message directly to our focused learning and session track audiences at a lower buy-in cost. Your logo will be featured online and on the mobile app schedule for your track of choice. Plus, your logo and bio will be included on the event website. View the Track Descriptions now.

Party Sponsorships

Sponsor the Sunday evening Welcome Reception where attendees come together for the first time to network and enjoy a cool refreshing beverage,  or the Monday Icebreaker Reception. Bring your pop-up banner for some extra visibility, and extend your hospitality with a Signature Cocktail/Mocktail.

Conference Party Sponsorship

There are four opportunities for sponsors to be recognized at the popular conference party. Your brand will appear on screen at the party, and you’ll be acknowledged from the stage.

Sponsorships include a reserved area for your team to invite attendees for additional networking, on-screen logo displays, a live shout-out at the event, a 50% discount code for up to two conference registrations, five $100 OFF discount codes to share with your clients, colleagues or friends, and the option to enhance the evening by providing an additional drink ticket.

Beverage Sponsor

Your logo will be featured on one of four of the highly sought-after drink tickets. Sponsor has the opportunity to add a message on the ticket – perhaps an invitation to pick up SWAG at their booth or enter into a drawing – the possibilities are endless! Includes a 50% discount for 1 conference registration, plus three $100-off discounts to share as you please.

Agile in Color Scholarship

The Agile in Color member initiative seeks to encourage and support Agile2025 attendance by people of color who require financial assistance to participate. Scholarships will cover conference registration and three nights at the hotel for up to five attendees. Recipients will be selected by AIC leadership.

Young Professionals Social Sponsor

Promote your company or service to the next generation of Agilists with acknowledgment and signage at the 2025 event, as well as recognition shared with the online group, on social media, an in the Show Daily email.

Mobile App Sponsor

Your brand will be front-and-center in the mobile app which showcases everything for Agile2025 including: agenda, speaker bios, session descriptions, sponsor information and special events, etc. The mobile app will be used daily by all event participants.

Fun n’ Games Sponsor

Associate your company with this fun space to network by creating branded giveaways like playing cards or games, and have them placed in the space for attendees to enjoy and take home. Your logo will be placed on the sign for this space.

Super-Charged Sponsor

Sponsor a branded charging station located in the Agile Alliance Lounge or in other high-traffic areas around the conference. Each additional station is $1,500 with exposure throughout the week! This sponsorship opportunity includes a brief message with logo in the Show Daily email which is sent to all attendees.

Wifi Sponsor

Brand the network access and password to the private conference WiFi with your logo. We’ll also include your logo with a brief message in the Show Daily email which keeps attendees informed about highlights and updates to the daily schedule.

Agile2025 Mobile App Sponsor

Agile2025 Sponsorship interest form

Please submit your information and any questions to be contacted by a sponsorship team member. You’ll receive a link to download our sponsorship brochure with additional details and pricing.

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